A mathematical introduction to complex dynamical systems


  • Rômulo Damasclin Chaves dos Santos
  • Jorge Henrique de Oliveira Sales




entropy, topological pressure, ergodicity, turbulence in fluids, complex dynamic systems


This work proposes an investigation of the theory of dynamic systems, focusing on the analysis of entropy in its classical and topological manifestations. Initially, the fundamental concepts of dynamical systems theory are presented, with an emphasis on topological dynamical systems (TDS). Next, definitions of discrete topological entropy and its relationship to dynamical systems are discussed, followed by the introduction of topological entropy pressure as a weighted form of topological entropy. Subsequently, some applications of topological entropy in dynamic systems are examined, highlighting its role in the analysis of chaotic systems and in ergodic theory. Furthermore, we present a new theory, called Topological Ergodic Entropy Theory (TEET), which offers an innovative approach to the analysis of ergodic dynamical systems. Finally, the Ergodic Theory of Turbulent Flow (ETTF) is introduced, exploring the relationship between topological entropy and the ergodic properties of dynamic systems governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. The results presented contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexity of dynamical systems and their applications in various areas of mathematics and physics. The investigation of topological entropy and its applications in dynamical systems offers new insights into the chaotic and stochastic behavior of these systems, while the introduction of new theories, such as ETTF, provides a new perspective for the analysis and modeling of turbulent phenomena.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. D. C. dos, & Sales, J. H. de O. (2024). A mathematical introduction to complex dynamical systems. CONTRIBUCIONES A LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 17(4), e6564. https://doi.org/10.55905/revconv.17n.4-265


