Metabolic alterations in cowpea submitted to water stress


  • Thays Correa Costa
  • Jéssica Taynara da Silva Martins
  • Liliane Corrêa Machado
  • Raphael Leone da Cruz Ferreira
  • Dayse Gonzaga Braga
  • Vitor Resende do Nascimento
  • Luma Castro de Souza
  • Cândido Ferreira de Oliveira Neto



water deficienty, abiotic factors, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp


Cowpea is a leguminous plant belonging to the fabaceae family cultivated in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, with productive potential. Among the abiotic factors, water deficiency is one of the main environmental limitations that influence agricultural production in the world. The objective was to evaluate changes in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in cowpea plants exposed to water deficit. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA, Belém, PA), cowpea plants BR-17 Gurguéia Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp were used. The experimental design was completely randomized (DIC) in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, two water conditions (control and water deficit) and two times of stress (four and six days of water suspension), with 7 replications, totaling 28 experimental units. Changes in the metabolism of cowpea plants were evident, with alterations in the activity of the nitrate reductase enzyme, concentrations of total soluble proteins, soluble amino acids, free ammonium and nitrate in the leaf tissue and roots.


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How to Cite

Costa, T. C., Martins, J. T. da S., Machado, L. C., Ferreira, R. L. da C., Braga, D. G., Nascimento, V. R. do, Souza, L. C. de, & Oliveira Neto, C. F. de. (2024). Metabolic alterations in cowpea submitted to water stress . CONTRIBUCIONES A LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 17(3), e5482.